In this week's edition of the Five Weeks of Favourites, I am giving away a Joe Fresh surprise package rather than a gift card, since I'd like to keep it open to everyone instead of just the lucky ladies in Canada (or a select few in NYC or New Jersey). I'll be filling a box with goodies and sending it your way. Some things you might find inside include - accessories, jewelry, beauty products and more! Yup, pretty exciting stuff.
Now the most important part - how to enter?
1. Follow Lot 65 via Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin' (and give me a heads up in your comment!)
2. Tell me your favourite fall colour
3. Let me know your size preference for a top (S, M, L, XL)
Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you if I can't via your blog - email, twitter handle, as long as I can reach you to tell you you've won - it works!
Want an extra chance or two to win? (Who doesn't?) Read on:
Follow @lotsixtyfive on twitter
Give the Lot 65 FB page a like
(and make sure to let me know you've done so in your comments!)
This giveaway will be open until 5:00 pm EST on Tuesday, November 1st. Make sure to get your entries in before then!
Good luck!
P.S. Congrats to the lovely Joanna of ModaMama on winning the ShopRuche giveaway!

Hi there beautiful becca! You should know I am now a "follower" of your's -- not just because I love to win stuff, but because I LOVE YOU!
Also, my favorite fall, winter, spring, and summer color is purple! And it is especially beautiful when it sparkles! XL, xoxo
1. followed via friend connect, though no idea what it does!!! or how to use it!!!
2. BROWN!!!
3. Med/Large, so err on the side of caution and say large?
I also follow you on twitter! (Best way to reach me as well, @melissadominic) and liked the fb page!
I follow Lot65 on Bloglovin' ! My favorite fall color is definitely mustard. I wear a size small top. Keeping my fingers crossed ! xx
Favourite fall colour? Hmm, I'm thinking shades of worn leather brown. & I wear a small.
You know I'm following you here and obviously on twitter already :)
Very cool! I am a follower, my shirt size is L, and my fav fall color is probably a dark maroon :)
And I follow you on twitter!
Thanks for the opportunity:)
i'm following you now!!!
love your blog :)
my favourite colour would be maroon right now :)
and my size is S. :)
Love the blog!
1. Following on Bloglovin!
2. Cobalt!
3. Small
following on bloglovin!
Ahhhh! So excited for this giveaway. Love Joe Fresh. My favourite fall colour is burgundy and my shirt size is S.
I "like" lot 65 on Facebook.
I follow you on twitter!
Loving these giveaways. I´d take the colorful nail polish. :)
Love this! I follow your blog of Google Friend connect.
For fall I love anything jewel toned!
I am definitely an XL at Joe.
I already like your FB page and follow you on Twitter!
I already follow you via GFC and Bloglovin! My favourite fall colour right now is burnt orange (size small)
Already follow you on twitter of course :)
And already following your blog's FB page as well :)
I'm following you on bloglovin (& twitter & facebook), my favourite fall colour is red, and my shirt is a medium, I think? I mean I guess it depends on the style and whatnot, but I think a medium is pretty accurate...
Thanks for hosting this giveaway, I love Joe Fresh! :)
- Laura S /
I'm following you on Twitter! I'm @DevanCL
My favourite fall colour is red.
My shirt size is medium.
Enter me please! Following on Bloglovin.
My fav fall colour is gold!
For a top, I need a L size.
Following on twitter (@Fisigiawa) and FB (Ana Belén R M).
Ana Belén R.M
fisiwoman at hotmail dot com
Great giveaway! Thanks for hosting! (: . I'm already a follower on Bloglovin' and facebook. (I also follow on twitter - @nataliebrookec My fave fall colour has gotta be a rich burgundy/red. And my size preference is a M/L (but it all depends on if they run small or not)
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