This beautiful forest inspired post from the Hummingbird Girls
A picture that speaks the truth, especially as far as new shoes are concerned.
Every, and I mean every garment from Australian label Gorman
This fantastic tribute to Judy Blume (one of my all-time favourite authors) via HelloGiggles.
The two Sh*t Girls Say tributes that actually made me laugh (otherwise I'm getting pretty sick of all the parodies, not gonna lie): here and here.
An idea for the cutest mini meringue pies that I cannot wait to try via Girlcrush
This beautiful mix of songs I discovered via, and have been listening to almost every day.
An excellent post by Justyna regarding the Bloglovin' awards which I think is totally worth a read.
The delicious smell of these "bubbleroons" from Lush, which I tried this weekend and LOVED.
A beautiful blog that I've recently discovered and am now avidly following.
Hilariously terrible album covers. Oh my gosh, did I laugh.
The fact that my favourite folk duo The Civil Wars are coming out with a book. A book! This librarian is happy.

Justynas post filled up my Bloglovin with new bloggers! Yeses! Also, I'm completely over Shit _____Say, but you're right, there are funny ones every now & then haha
nice summary! will check out some links now, and haha yes the silver pants are the ones i wore on the weekend- it was a test run to see if something will happen to them and the test run passed!!
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