Sunday Snaps v. 5 - Playing Tourist

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Confed Centre Young Company

Confederation Chamber, Province House
The handsome couple visiting from Ottawa!
Lovely shells & sea creatures from Amos Pewter
Flag Sculpture at Peake's Quay 
A favourite brightly coloured house in Victoria-by-the-Sea
Confederation Bridge, Borden
Bottle Houses in Cap-Egmont
Old farmhouse, Cap-Egmont
Fishing Boats, Abram-Village.
This weekend I've had the pleasure of having a pair of wonderful friends visiting from Ottawa, and have spent the last couple of days showing them my beloved PE Island. We've headed to beaches of both the north and south shores, to a finale outdoor performance by the Confederation Centre's Young Company, to a visit to historic Province House, to wandering the Charlottetown Waterfront, to exploring the Évangeline region today finding bottle houses, pretty churches and ocean views. 

If you follow me on Instagram (find me at: lotsixtyfive), you will have seen many of these adventures documented, but I thought this would be a perfect day to share some wonderful PEI-themed Sunday snaps with you all. I may be a bit biased, but I really do think that picturesque spots are easily found around every corner of the Island, and it certainly doesn't hurt to play tourist in your own area now and then to re-discover favourite spots and even to discover some new ones (as I did today!). 

Hope you've all had a lovely summery weekend.

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